06 385 8384 .. 52 Arawa Street Ohakune [email protected]

Parent Information

Ohakune Primary School Information 2022

We have school uniforms for sale on site.

Enrolment Packs

Enrolment Packs are available from the front office or can be requested via email to [email protected]. Please remember that all new entrant children (5 years) must supply a copy of either a birth certificate or passport and a copy of their medical records

If you are arriving from another country we require passport and Visa documentation on enrolment. We have an automatic payment option available for those who wish to pay for yearly events like snow-sports, Technology or school uniform


All our school stationery can be purchased at the Take Note Book shop in town.

The books are all sold by the Year level and pre-packed for you.

Skool Loop

A communication tool for parents, teachers and students to facilitate parent/teacher communication. It is used to share information such as absentees, interview times, permission slips, newsletters and notices. Free app download.


We encourage people to like our face book page as this has the most recent up to date news and information.

For further enquires please contact the Principal Lisa Clark on (06) 385 8384

‘You know your child better than anyone, including their strengths and areas of development, their interests and talents, and what works for them. You are the most important out of school influence on your child’s education.

As a school we are aware that your child’s teacher is the most important in school influence on your child’s educational success and therefore working together to ensure your child is supported on their learning journey is vitally important.

Please feel free to contact the school if you have any questions or queries about your child.

Ruapehu Kahui Ako Website
